Saturday, January 28, 2012

Gone Too Soon

These last few days, were the days I found not-easy to live in. 
I was still mourning and grieving. 
I lost a part of me. I lost my 8-week-growing baby inside me.
Some say,
"Life must go on, Dear.
Keep your head up.
So many things to do.
So many things await you."
I know. I know.
But my minds and my heart seemed cannot function well together.
I just felt so weak.
I wanted to do nothing but weeping.
I felt so lost and brokenhearted.
I need a bandage to heal the cuts. 
My heart ache, feels like cuts deep down inside.
 I'm not ready for this. 
I was ready to welcome our third baby.
My body knew it. It changed. It welcomed our baby. 
And I did too. We all did.
I have loved our baby, the first time I read the testpack.
I have loved our baby even I hadn't feel it moved nor kick.
I sang to our baby,
talked to our baby when I laid, walked, sat and sew.
I was more than ready to set our baby's room
and plan that him/her was going to join our homeschool days.
But, I was never ready to hear that there's no more heartbeat.
I was not ready at all. 
You just gone too soon, Little One.
Gone too soon.


  1. Im so sooo sorry for your loss Eka. Will keep you and your family in my prayer.

  2. Thanks so much, Tenny. Really appreciate it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh I am sorry you are experiencing this, this is so very painful, I know your sadness. I too have lost. I hope things will heal in time, however long you need that to be. Always remember your child, and the precious time you had together. My child was lost at 22 weeks, the pain and the memory never goes away. Take as much time as you need, for that is the key for a healthier recovery. God Bless.

  5. Thanks so much for your encouraging words, Janet. :)Yes, the child has a very special place in our hearts.

  6. First, thanks for the comment on my blog. I was scrolling through and saw this. I will be praying for you. I lost a baby between 8 and 16 weeks, and it is tough.
