Friday, September 17, 2010

Second Challenge

And here's my second LO, following the challenge from Amy Kilgore at
I found the pictures of my boys when they were younger and so cute!
Clay bought Evan a  Hotwheel Monster Truck since Evan didn't have any. It was Evan's first Monster Truck, given by surprise from his loving brother. So, Evan gave him a ssssmack!!!
I love seeing the pictures. Showing their love to each other. What other things a mother wants to see such a wonderful moment. Touching and unforgettable!


  1. Cakep Ing.... Kalo butuh bantuan editin foto biar lebih bagus, ato mau dibikin item putih, ato mau dicrop.. bilang aja.. ntar ta' bantuin. Tinggal cetak di tukang cetak film. :p

  2. Thanks, Sis Devi.. you're the best!
